
Quizzes & Surveys


English Level Evaluation and Questionnaire 

Please answer the following questions in English, on your own and without the help of a dictionary or any other tool. This will help us evaluate your level and needs, so that we know how to plan your course. 

When you get to the end, please make sure to click on "submit". 


English Level Evaluation and Questionnaire for Karolef 

Please answer the following questions in English, on your own and without the help of a dictionary or any other tool. This will help us evaluate your level and future English training needs.  When you get to the end, please make sure to click on "submit". 

In this section we'd like to get to know you and also see how you write in English. Don't worry about making mistakes. They'll help us understand what you need to work on in order to improve your skills.
Your full name
Tell us where you think you need to improve your English? Please use your own words. (For example: fluency, confidence, vocabulary, grammar, etc.)
How would you evaluate your overall communication skills in English (fluency in conversation, confidence, writing, etc.)?
Write a short email to a client - tell him or her about yourself and about the company.
In this section please choose the word that best completes the sentences.
I have _____ seen that movie.
The game starts _____ 6 o`clock.
My friends ______ part in the event yesterday.
We were busy with ___________ for the party this morning.
Jerry no longer works here. He __________about three years ago.
He has the right ___________ for this position.
Where did you __________that document?
What is the research team ____________ right now?
__________ further promotion depends on a number of variables.
I'll need his contact information in _________of next week's meeting.
Where ________your wife work?
Who ________ fresh produce to this area?
Would you ________going alone?
Shopping here is very ___________ .
I can't assist you with this matter, so I'm going to escalate it to one of my ___________.
I __________ been researching this subject for the last three years, so I'm quite familiar with it.
This issue has to be dealt with now, we've __________it for too long.
She seemed very _________to hear my voice.
If she __________again, please ask her to leave a message.
Don't forget to ________ me about the open invoice.


Hebrew Proficiency Level Questionnaire for Global-e

Hebrew proficiency level questionnaire



ערבית מדוברת 201

שאלות 5



Pre-Training Questionnaire


As part of our ongoing efforts to give you tools to improve your performance in “B-Yahad” and to facilitate an enriching and empowering experience for all our soldier-teachers, this year’s “B-Yahad” soldiers training program is focused on creating as much added value for you as possible.

That’s why we’d very much appreciate getting you perspective and inputs on this year’s upcoming training program. We want to know what would make the program interesting, effective and memorable for you.

Seminar Feedback


Post-Training Questionnaire


Thanks for participating in the training seminar.

Please share your insights regarding the seminar so we can improve it in the future. 

Your name (optional)
Rate your overall satisfaction with the training seminar.
Did you enjoy the seminar?
Was the seminar effective in providing you with tools to improve your activities in the schools?
What parts of the seminar / subjects were most interesting or helpful for you?
What parts of the seminar or subjects were least interesting or helpful for you?
Did the content of the seminar contribute in any way to your personal or professional growth and development?
If relevant, in what ways did the content of the seminar contribute to your personal or professional growth and development?
Which subjects would you like to cover in future training seminars?
Additional comments/insights


Hebrew Proficiency Level Questionnaire-Global E

Hebrew proficiency level questionnaire


Greek Level Test

אנא מלאו את פרטיכם בטופס הבא, על-מנת שתוכלו לקבל מייל בסיום המבחן עם תוצאותיו:


    *שדות חובה
    צרו קשר עם Lingolearn
    צריך עזרה?